With High School exams around the corner, AVѧԺ is emphasising the importance of recreational activities as a technique to combat the stress many students experience during this time.

The School partners with Elevate Education every year, conducting study skills seminars and inspiring students to adopt healthy studying habits. According to their Science of Student Success publication, sport and exercise is cited as a key criterion for the student success. The publication highlights “physical vibrancy” and “chemical balance” as the reasoning behind this theory.

“If you are physically vibrant you can sit longer at your desk, and you also have higher levels of memory retention and focus”. Additionally, “by exercising regularly you ensure that your body is continually releasing endorphins so that you remain happy. In most cases the happier we are the less stressed we are.”

Year 11 student, Rori S, is a dedicated sportsperson and uses recreation to benefit her academical lifestyle. Managing 6 ATAR subjects, Rori chooses to play netball as an extracurricular activity.

“When you are studying you put pressure on yourself. Once you go outside you can be yourself, relax, move around, and burn some energy positively,” she said.

Apart from training once a week, Rori also partakes in recreational activities as an incentive after study blocks, such as going for a walk. She advises all students remain active throughout exam season by “[taking] it one step at a time. Don’t give up the things you like – go outside, play sport, and relax!”.

Head of Secondary School, Dean Shadgett is fully supportive of Carmel’s Physical Education program. He believes that by promoting an extensive sports-oriented program, the “5 Cs” (competence, confidence, connections, character and caring) can be developed.

“Additionally, participating in a wide array of sports also sets a pathway for life, where students will feel confident to participate in sports and exercise beyond the structured school environment,” he said.

A wide range of activities exist in the school alongside the major sports carnivals. There is a Running Club available to students every Tuesday morning before school as well as excursions and camps offered as part of the Physical Education Program. High School students also have the option of indulging in sport during the final two periods every Friday.

Students and staff are also looking forward to the Athletics Carnival, scheduled for September – one of the major highlights of the school year.