During JNF Week in March 2016, when Carmel’s Year 6 students were in Kindy, they planted a JNF Tree in the school’s Eco Playground, to provide shade and also as a symbol of JNF WA’s partnership with the families of Merchav Am.Last Friday, the students and their Kindy Tree demonstrated how much they had grown at a special presentation at the Year 6 Valedictory. When the JNF tr ...

In January 2018, Jewish Studies teacher, Debbie Posner was part of JNF Australia’s first ever Educator’s Tour to Israel. Ever since attending the tour, Debbie committed to a Tzedakah project for JNF and enlisted all her students and their parents to partake in “making the desert bloom”. At the end of each year, Nikki Leib, JNF’s Donor Relation’s Manager, is invited to the scho ...

Mazal tov Kai Kai felt a bit nervous before his Bar Mitzvah, but also super excited, as he had been practising for over a year for the occasion. Everyone at the Shule has been very supportive of Kai and his learning – the Rabbi was fun and caring, with great jokes to liven the mood. Kai loved the proud look on his parents’ faces and seeing his friends and described having ever ...

Abby explained that the plan had originally been to share a Bat Mitzvah with Zehava, but this didn’t quite work out. Abby’s mum spent much of Friday setting up for her Bat Mitzvah and made some beautiful pastel pink decorations– she also prepared all the catering herself. Abby enjoyed Shule on Friday night, and then had a delicious three-course Shabbat dinner with her family at ...

“So, are all the teachers winding down and finishing up?”, I was asked last week by a friend who is clearly not involved in education. I realised afterwards that I might have overdone my response a little and could even be said to have indulged in a little rant. I was keen to stick up for teachers who are very much still working hard to ensure learning takes place until the ver ...

It has been a busy week at AVѧԺ and although the end of term is almost visible in the distance, there is still so much left to do. I reassure myself that it feels this way each year, yet we always achieve what we need to in time for the end of term. It’s too early to be looking forward to the break at this stage, but the prospect of some time to read and relax late in ...

I sat in on an interesting evening presentation to a group of women leaders at AISWA this week, entitled ‘The Art of Patience’. It served to reinforce one of my personal failings, but did provide some interesting thoughts around the importance of being patient. We heard about the need to not be reactive and clamour for instant results, rather to reflect, walk more slowly and no ...

The AVѧԺ community is something special. Our School with smaller cohorts and a connected community provides the perfect canvas to paint long-lasting friendships. Nicole Woolf (OKC 2004) agrees saying it was her friendships she enjoyed most during her time at AVѧԺ. We recently caught up with Nicole for a Q&A about her experience as a AVѧԺ student a ...

Sometimes endings are necessary before new beginnings can unfold. We are very proud of the Carmel cohort of 2023 Year 12 students, whose last week of school was an ending characterised by dignity, courage and integrity. A fabulous beach breakfast, bowling expedition, lunch and valedictory rehearsal made for a fitting final day of school. Now that they have celebrated, enjoyed v ...

Good morning students, teachers, parents, friends, Carmel VIPs, guests and, of course, our Year 12 valedictorians. A valedictory is a farewell address. It denotes the end of something – in this case, the end of your time at AVѧԺ. But it also denotes a beginning - it’s an end and a beginning. It’s the beginning of the next episode of your lives – lives which I am confi ...