We have warmly welcomed several new members to our teaching staff this year, one of them being Ms Paula Frost, High School teacher of English and HASS.

Originally pursuing a career in media and communications, starting out as a newspaper journalist and then taking on a variety of communications roles, Paula always knew she would eventually tread a different path.

“I always had teaching in the back of my mind,” she said.

“I love being around people and communicating with others, so sharing my love of reading and writing seemed like an obvious choice for me.”

“When I stopped working for a while to have children, it was a really good time to reassess what I wanted out of a career, and I decided to complete my Diploma of Education at Edith Cowan University, specialising in my two passions – English and History.”

Paula’s first teaching role was at Irene McCormack Catholic College before joining Christ Church Grammar School.

“Teaching has been so rewarding and I honestly haven’t looked back,” said Paula.

Paula recalls a particularly memorable experience during her time at Christ Church Grammar School, where she took part in a 10-day hike in the South-West region with Year 10 students.

“It was such a rewarding experience to get to know these young men and go through the same challenges of the hike with them. It’s something I know I wouldn’t be able to do in any other career,” she said.

“It made me realise the value of being a teacher and that it’s not all about the curriculum and being in the classroom. It’s about getting to know young people and working with them in whatever capacity is required.”

Having lived locally for 15 years, Paula has always been familiar with AVѧԺ and is excited to join such an inclusive and welcoming community.

“I’m really interested in learning about other cultures and communities and I have felt so accepted and welcomed at Carmel. My Year 11 students are particularly helpful in answering my many questions about Jewish life!” she said.

“The students at Carmel have a very strong work ethic – they work hard and are committed to their studies and that’s an appealing factor for any teacher. It’s quite remarkable.”

Paula is also enjoying being part of such a supportive teaching team.

“As a teacher, I greatly value learning and will continue to challenge myself to grow and develop. I’m excited to see where that takes me at Carme!”