Last week, JNF Future WA, the young adult division of JNF Australia hosted an important event with Neil Lazarus, an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of the Middle East, Israel advocacy and effective communication training at Carmel’s Entrepreneur Space. At a time when the world has become vocally more anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, the interactive webinar was the ideal opportunity to arm our young adults with tools to stand up and speak out.

Neil Lazarus is fast emerging as one of Israel's leading keynote speakers. His presentations have been hailed as “motivating”, “informative” and “challenging”. Neil speaks to over 30,000 people a year and his presentations are causing an international sensation.

Neil Lazarus’empowering, inspiring, and entertaining webinar, moderated by AUJS President Dylan Kotkis (Dorot Carmel 2018), gave the attendees an interactive experience to engage with Neil, as if he was physically in the room. The webinar covered the main issues regarding the Israel Palestinian debate and tips on how to respond topropaganda-ledtopics such as “Disproportionate force”, “Apartheid”, “Settlements”, etc. Neil’s overall message to the audience was, “Don’t be a bystander, be part of history and stand up for Israel”.

“Neil is a brilliant speaker. His balanced approach to dealing with both sides of the conflict really equips his audience to tackle the main issues, especially those who are faced with these discussions on campus,” says Dylan Kotkis, AUJS WA President.

A special thank you goes to CSG, AUJS, JCCWA, and AVѧԺ for reaching out to Perth’s young adults and encouraging them to attend the event, as well as AVѧԺ’s Entrepreneur team for the use of the venue.